1986-89 BSc Biology; honours project on vision in jumping spiders.
1990 Research contract. Biocontrol of mushroom phorids and sciarids using insect parasitic nematodes.
1991-4 PhD in ballooning spider agro-ecology. Lab and field work (any time of day or night, any season, any weather).
1994-5 PSD (CRD), UK pesticide regulatory agency. Database Section.
1995-9 Covance Laboratories. Set up and ran the terrestrial ecotoxicology GLP testing facility. Testing non-target arthropods, bees, non-target plants, earthworms, collembola.
1999 Merrist Wood College. Teaching on the animal care course, including setting up a small exotic insectary as a teaching facility.
2000-2008 Syngenta. Ecotoxicology risk assessment in all areas, studies as study director and monitor (particularly soil organisms, non-target arthropods, non-target plants). Some environmental fate. Team leading.
2008-2018 Adama (formerly Makhteshim Agan). Ecotoxicology risk assessment and study monitoring in all areas. Strategy, advice and policy-setting. Work planning and team leading.