Gabe Weyman Consulting

Scientific consultancy


Laucht S., Brulez K., Hanisch J., Blakey A., Weyman G., Ludwigs J-D., Alvarez T. (2024).

Ornamental Phoenix palm trees as habitat for fauna in the Mediterranean Region – results from a full year monitoring. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e123144.

Weber D., Weyman G., Fruhmann T., Gagniarre M., Minten B., Memmert U. (2019)

Time‐variable exposure experiments in conjunction with higher tier population and effect modeling to assess the risk of chlorotoluron to green algae. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 38(11): 2520–2534.

Witton J.T., Pickering M.D., Alvarez T., Reed M., Weyman G. Hodson M.E., Ashauer R. (2018)

Quantifying pesticide deposits and spray patterns at micro‐scales on apple (Malus domesticus) leaves with a view to arthropod exposure. Pesticide Management Science, open access:

Topping C.J. & Weyman G.S. (2017)

Rabbit population landscape-scale simulation to investigate the relevance of using rabbits in regulatory environmental risk assessment. Environmental Modelling and Assessment, open access:

Ducrot V., Ashauer R., Bednarska A.J., Hinarejos S., Thorbek P., Weyman G. (2015)

Using toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic modelling as an acute risk assessment refinement approach in vertebrate ecological risk assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM) 12(1): 32-45. Output of the SETAC Modelink Workshop. [SETAC Exceptional Paper Award]

Alix A., Miles M., Weyman G. (2013)

Sensitivity and impact analysis of the risk assessment for honey bees, bumble bees and solitary bees based on the guidance document of the European Food Safety Authority. Unpublished report. 132 pp.

Dinter A., Oberwalder C., Kabouw P., Coulson M., Ernst G., Leicher T., Miles M., Weyman G., Klein O. (2013)

Occurrence and distribution of earthworms in agricultural landscapes across Europe with regard to testing for responses to plant protection products. Journal of Soils and Sediments 13(2): 278-293.

Weyman G.S., Rufli H., Weltje L., Salinas E.R., Hamitou M. (2012)

Aquatic toxicity tests with substances that are poorly soluble in water and consequences for environmental risk assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31(7): 1662–1669.


Wolf C., Riffel M., Weyman G., Douglas M., Norman S. (2010)

Telemetry-based field studies for assessment of acute and short-term risk to birds from spray applications of chlorpyrifos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(8): 1795-1803.

Bell J.R., Bohan D.A., Le Fevre R. & Weyman G.S. (2005)

Can simple experimental electronics simulate the dispersal phase of spider ballooners? Journal of Arachnology 33: 523-532.

Bell J.R., Bohan D.A., Shaw E.M. & Weyman G.S. (2005)

Ballooning dispersal using silk: world fauna, Phylogenies, genetics and models.  Bulletin of Entomological Research 95: 69-114.

Weyman G.S., Sunderland K.D. & Jepson P.C. (2002)

A review of the evolution and mechanisms of ballooning by spiders inhabiting arable farmland.  Ethology Ecology & Evolution 14(4): 307-326.

Weyman G.S. (1995)

Laboratory studies of the factors stimulating ballooning behaviour by linyphiid spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae). The Journal of Arachnology 23(2): 75-84.

Weyman G.S., Jepson P.C. & Sunderland K.D. (1995)

Do seasonal changes in numbers of aerially dispersing spiders reflect population density on the ground or variation in ballooning motivation? Oecologia 101: 487-493.

Weyman G.S. & Jepson P.C. (1994)

The effect of food supply on the colonisation of barley by aerially dispersing spiders (Araneae). Oecologia 100: 386-390. 

Weyman G.S., Sunderland K.D. & Fenlon J.S. (1994)

The effect of food deprivation on aeronautic dispersal behaviour (ballooning) in Erigone spp. spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 73: 121-126.

Weyman G.S. (1993)

A review of the possible causative factors and significance of ballooning in spiders. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 5(3): 279-291.